How to Create a Successful Member Referral Program for Your Private Club

Running a private club is no easy feat. You need to keep your existing members happy while also constantly looking for ways to bring in new ones. One of the most effective ways to do this is through a member referral program. Referral programs are proven to be successful in generating new leads, and it also shows that your existing members are satisfied with the club's services.

Here are some tips for creating a high-level member referral program for your private club:

Be organized

Before you start any program, it is essential to lay out all of the aspects. Create a plan to rollout that program and market it to existing members. Make sure the program is structured and the rules are set up. Being organized will help you stay on track and ensure a successful referral program. Make sure that your members can easily refer a prospect to you. Is there a process in place? Is there an email, phone number, google form, website form available for this process? When it’s easy and quick, members are more likely to refer.

Create great relationships with the existing member base

If your members don’t like and trust you, they aren’t going to refer their friends and neighbors to you. You must build relationships daily if you want that to lead to a referral. Make sure that you are always engaging with your members, and they know that you value their membership.

Building strong relationships with your members is crucial for successful referral programs


Incentivizing your referral program is a great way to get your members excited and engaged. Create a competition with a grand prize. Make sure the competition is transparent and have a leaderboard visible in the clubhouse or on your website. Have prizes for each referral that signs up, such as waived dues, cart fees for a few months, or F&B credit. Incentives will motivate your members to refer their friends and family to your club.

Incentivizing your referral program can lead to healthy competition among members and generate new leads.

Host events

Hosting events is another great way to encourage members to refer their friends and family. Host events where members are highly encouraged to bring guests. Anything that gives guests the experience of the club can help with closing those referrals. Events can range from golf outings, 9-hole Friday night leagues, happy hours, open houses, outdoor events, and festivals, cookouts, etc.

Hosting events is a great way to encourage referrals for your private club

Be visible

Being visible is key to running a successful referral program. Make sure that you are always present and available to your members. As one Director of Training, a former Membership Sales Director, said, “It was seldom that a member sought me out in my office to refer someone, but if I was at an event or walking around the facility, the likelihood of a member bringing me a referral was much higher.”

In conclusion, a member referral program can be an excellent way to grow your private club. By being organized, building great relationships with your members, incentivizing, hosting events, making it easy, and being visible, you can create a high-level member referral program that will benefit your club in many ways. Remember, happy members will always bring in more happy members!


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