Advancing Your Golf/Country Club into the Future: A Governance Guide for Board Members

Golf clubs and country clubs are vital community hubs that bring people together and provide a space for social interaction and recreation. However, in order for these clubs to thrive, they require effective governance. As a board member, you play a crucial role in advancing your club into the future. This blog post will provide an overview of governance best practices, key responsibilities of board members, and a strategic planning process to ensure the long-term success of your club.

Capstone Hospitality talks about the roles of board members at a private club

The Setting

Member-owned clubs provide an exceptional experience for their members, and that experience is often better than that of private or corporate owned clubs. However, this does not necessarily mean that the board of directors of a club are always best-equipped to run them effectively. Board members are most commonly high-level, successful individuals including C-level executives, lawyers, and doctors, but that doesn’t necessarily always transfer on to how to create a successful club. These individuals all have unique skill sets and perspectives, including their own personal biases, that sometimes don't allow them to see what's very apparent to a fresh set of eyes. Boards also come with term limits so every few years the board will have turnover. The overruling emphasis must be placed on a unified, strong leadership and heavy focus on the revenue streams of the club. Member-owned clubs do typically have a better member experience than private or corporately owned clubs, and as a non for profit organization they can slowly focus on opportunities for amenity improvement/maintenance. When a club is "stuck", spinning their wheels, and faced with making decisions that will impact the club for both the short and long term, it can be daunting. Before any member-owned club considers hiring a management company or even potentially selling, they have to look at all viable options - this is where Capstone Hospitality can be a crucial partner in assisting with their viability and financial stability. With the right leadership and strategic focus, member-owned clubs can ensure financial success while providing the best experiences for their membership and guests.

Key Responsibilities of Board Members

Board members in private clubs have a variety of responsibilities, including setting policies and procedures, monitoring financial performance, and ensuring that the club's mission, traditions, and values are upheld. One of the most important responsibilities is to ensure that the club is on a sustainable path for the future. This includes identifying potential challenges and opportunities, and taking steps to address them before it becomes a larger issue. To effectively delegate responsibilities to management, board members should establish clear goals and expectations and provide regular feedback on progress.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is essential for golf clubs and country clubs. It allows the board to take a proactive approach to addressing challenges and opportunities, and to ensure that the club is meeting the needs of its members. A strategic planning process typically includes a board retreat, focus group meetings with club members, and a member survey. The input gathered from these sessions can inform the development of a strategic plan. To effectively implement a strategic plan, board members should establish clear goals, assign responsibilities, and monitor progress.

Governance Best Practices

Best practices in nonprofit governance are important for golf clubs and country clubs. These include transparency and accountability, effective communication, and responsible financial management. To implement these best practices, board members should establish policies and procedures, communicate regularly with members, and ensure that the club's finances are transparent and well-managed. Examples of successful implementation of governance best practices in other golf clubs and country clubs include regular financial reporting, open communication, and policies that promote transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, as a board member, you play a crucial role in advancing your club into the future. By understanding key responsibilities, implementing a strategic planning process, and adhering to governance best practices, you can ensure that your club is on a sustainable path for the future. Remember to set clear goals, delegate responsibilities, and monitor progress.

If you club needs help with a strategic planning, contact us today for a complimentary assessment.


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